Prayer Text

Have you ever sent a text or an email to the wrong person? Well, I must admit that I have. I have also received texts that I had no idea who they were from and was unsure if I should call them to find out if it was meant for me or just let it go.

During the recent Priscilla Shirer simulcast they had us write down our prayer requests and place them on the altar to be prayed over or we could text them to the number provided. Since I would be the one gathering the requests from our church and praying over them I decided that I would text mine to the prayer line so I too could have others praying for my concerns. As I hit send on my request I had a warm feeling that many people who are a part of the Lifeway conference ministry would be praying for me.

It was late when I arrived home and I took the prayer requests and spread them across my bed, picking each one up as if touching each woman while praying over their needs. Prayers for the salvation of loved ones, prayers for children, marriages and other relationships, prayers for finances, prayers for health and healing, prayers for addictions and strongholds…I love praying for others. 

I noticed that someone had also written the number for texting requests on their card and that’s when I realized that my text had been sent to the wrong number. It was the right area code, but in the next 3 digits I had mistakenly put in the number 1 instead of the correct number 7. I didn’t mind that someone that I didn’t know would get my request, but I did wonder what their reaction to my request might be.

Was the person a Christian? Would they think it was a joke? Would they pray for me? Would it trigger something in them? Would it bring back a memory? Would it remind them of how long it had been since they had prayed or even been inside the doors of a church? Would they wonder who had sent it? 

I considered texting them and letting them know what I had done, but decided that maybe God had some higher purpose behind my mistake and left the text in place. However, I did re-text to the “real” prayer line.

Aren’t you glad that when we pray, we don’t have to wonder if it is going to the right person? God is not only the correct recipient of our prayers, but He is also the only One who is capable of answering them in the best way possible.

Thank you God that You are always available to hear our requests and that you care enough about us to answer each and everyone of them. 

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


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