Real Life "Groundhog Day"

While watching the Today Show a couple of weeks ago, I was fascinated by one of the guests, Michelle Philpots. This young woman lost her short term memory due to a couple of head injuries that she suffered from vehicular accidents and since 1994 has not been able to remember the events of the previous day. She is living in a real life “Groundhog Day” situation with no chance of waking up from it. She can participate in everyday activities, such as driving a car and carrying on a conversation, but she does not recall the social memories--the interactions that she has with other people. This situation must be terribly frustrating for her and her husband, who knew Michelle before the accidents and memory loss, but married her even when he knew she would not be able to remember their life together.

Now I would never wish to lose my memory or want it to happen to anyone else, but I do think that there are things we can learn from Michelle’s experience. If we could train ourselves to erase the hurtful things that people say and do to us each day, just think how much more pleasant our lives would be. I don’t want to remember the negative things, but sometimes it is just so hard to forget them. Waking up each day with a clean slate would make it easier to love others and for them to love me. I’m going to try to make it an everyday occurrence that each night when I lay my head on my pillow, I forget any of the unkind acts of the day and leave them there as I get out of bed in the morning.

Another thing that would be helpful for us to learn is the unconditional commitment of Michelle's husband. Don’t you think it would be frustrating to have to show your wedding picture to your spouse every morning to remind them that you are married? And how about having to explain to everyone that you meet that the next time they are around your wife she will not remember having ever encountered them? And if I find it frustrating when my husband cannot remember something I told him yesterday, can you imagine what it must be like when the person you live with cannot remember anything that you told them during the last 16 years? It is true love that her husband would marry her and continue to be married to her through all of the frustrations that they must encounter. I hope that this example will make me more understanding and patient with the people around me.

Come to think of it, if I forgive and forget the hurtful things people say and do to me and I show unconditional love to those around me, I will be more like Jesus. Isn’t that my desire?

Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.


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