Divine Appointments

Don’t you just love it when you have Divine Appointments? Last weekend, I had several of them while attending Women of Faith and they all revolved around prayer. The first was at the dinner table, when a friend asked for us to pray for a situation with a house that she and her husband were hoping to purchase. Three of us stopped right then and there, held hands and prayed for her situation. The next morning before going into the conference, I was concerned about a medical issue with my daughter and another friend expressed concern about her son, so into the “family-friendly bathroom” we ducked to pray for each other.

Later in the day while sitting on the green grass, with the bright blue sky above us eating a picnic lunch, my precious sisters in Christ suggested that we pray for my daughter’s health, so we stood, linked arms and I was bathed by their prayers. The last encounter happened during one of the afternoon sessions. While standing at the back of the room I turned to see a stranger standing next to me crying. After walking over and inquiring to see if she was all right, she informed me that she was dealing with some issues from her past. I asked if she would like to go in the hall and pray and she agreed--another appointment from God.

It didn’t really matter if I was praying with a complete stranger or with the dear women from my church; God was in each of the encounters. I find it comforting to know that no matter the situation, no matter the place, no matter the people involved as long as God is in our midst, all is well. He puts together the appointments; we just have to be obedient to take time for them.

Thank you God for praying sisters in Christ.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


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