The Potter's Hand

The Potter took the damaged clay pot and broke it down even more, grinding it into dust then moistening it with water before He put it onto His wheel and began to remake it into a vessel pleasing to Himself. The cracks and chips and broken pieces disappeared as the clay became soft and pliable to the Potter’s touch. He firmly applied pressure on some areas, touched lightly on others, added more clay to a specific spot that needed filling and removed clay that hindered the shape that would make it useful for His ultimate purpose. As He turned the wheel, His loving and gentle hands never left the clay as He molded and made it after His will. He took it off the wheel, added color, placed it in a fiery kiln, keeping His eyes on it and removing it at just the right time. The clay had been radically transformed into an object of strength, of function and beauty.

Is the Potter molding or remolding you, using…pressure or problems, stress or suffering, hurt or heartache, illness or injustice? Are you in the fire? Trust that God knows what He is doing.
Excerpt from Why? by Anne Graham Lotz


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