The Choice Is Yours

This morning I was hearing once again of Lindsay Lohan and her most recent trip to jail for failing her mandatory drug test. This imprisonment was for 12 hours and 10 minutes, since one of her loyal clan paid the $300,000 fine that the judge required. She breaks the law and then someone comes to her rescue and she gets freedom… but doe she really?  She may not be bound by the bars of a prison cell, but she is actually bound by something worse…a drug addiction that has her in its grip and probably a mega dose of self absorption. No amount of financial rescuing will be able to free her. One of the commentators said, “Freedom begins by realizing that you need help”, so maybe they should get harsher with her punishment to make her realize that she needs help.

Lindsay has been in the limelight for years and people tend to be fascinated by celebrities, adoring and honoring them with praise, but I must say, I am quite tired of listening to stories about people like her who get into trouble and then get a slight slap on the wrist and then go back to their crummy ways. Instead, I would like to hear more stories about good people who make good decisions and are true heroes. My son-in-law, Matt Blake, is one of those people.

Over the last 3 and ½ years, I have watched Matt with admiration and respect. He has had multiple obstacles to have to deal with regarding my daughter’s health, but he has always proved to be a man of honor. Watching him yesterday while dealing with a sick wife, a grieving mother and a dying aunt, you know he was hurting, but he put himself aside and his thoughts and concerns were for those who were hurting. Now you might say, that is what he was supposed to do and you are probably right, but many people today don’t make the right decisions; they think first of themselves and then if something fits into their schedule to lend a hand to someone else, they might help out.

Matt demonstrated his unconditional love by sleeping at the hospital, in order to help Lynn by feeding her, getting instructions, making her more comfortable, gathering information and even assisting with trips to the bathroom. He has a heart to serve. Lynn made the statement more than once over the last couple of days that she is so fortunate to have him. I feel the same way. He is a blessing to our family and I thank God for him. He is a person who should be admired and honored for the sacrifices that he makes. I’m sure he would have preferred to have been enjoying the beautiful outdoors on a gorgeous fall weekend on a hike or a bike ride, but he chose the right things--to serve God and serve his family.

Who do you want to be like—Lindsay Lohan, constantly in the news for making poor choices or Matt Blake who might never be recognized for his sweet quiet manner of making the best possible choices in life? I think you know who my preference is.

Joshua 24:15 "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."


Christy said…
Praising God for bringing Matt and Lynn together and giving Matt such strength!

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