What I Learned from a 10 Year Old

It's funny how we can learn simple concepts from the children in our lives, sometimes more easily than from other adults.
I had spotted a herd of deer and wanted to show my grandson, Will, however he was less than thrilled about seeing them and let me know by saying, "I've seen deer before."
That wasn't what I expected from him. I wanted him to be excited with me instead of being bored or complacent with the idea.
What he taught me is that I can easily be the same way with God. In reading His Word, I realized that I might read over familiar passages quickly, thinking in my mind, "I've read that before" or "I know what that verse says." When in reality, God wanted to share a special moment with me or to point out something new and different about a familiar passage.
Will made me realize that I don't want that to be my attitude, instead I don't want to miss out on one experience or one word or one gift that God has planned for me.

So what can I do to prevent that attitude toward verses that I know so well?
I can:
  • Pray and ask God to show me something new about the verse
  • Read the passage in a different translation
  • Do a word study on a specific part of the verse
  • Read not just the one verse, but read it in the context of the whole chapter
  • Ask God what it means in my life today

Lord help me not to be lackluster in my response to You, but help me to look with excitement with what new things your living active Word has for me each and every day.
Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of the Lord is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.


Anonymous said…
Hey Olga, you are certainly right on. Believe me, living in Buena Vista, I've seen deer before! It was a great example on how His word is everlasting, ever meaningful and certainly for each of us in different ways. Your examples are great tools to hear Him in a new way too.

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