Picture Perfect

It was the perfect picture--a robin redbreast with feathers puffed out to stay warm in the cold temperatures sitting on the corner of the roof facing the morning sunshine glimmering on the mountain with the backdrop of an azure sky. As I lifted the iPhone to snap the picture he flew away and the opportunity was gone.
Although I'm not a photographer, I do like to take pictures to capture the moment, but I have found out that if you hesitate, you will miss the chance and it will probably never return. The lighting will change, the flower will fade, the child will not cooperate or something else will be different.
Opportunities lost are not just with taking pictures, but also in investing in lives of people around us. We need to seize the moment to tell others about Jesus, to pray with them, to encourage them, to share our story with them and to invest in the lives of the people we encounter each day. The opportunity for these things may never present themselves again.
A friend was telling me of her experience at the car repair shop. On Saturday she and another lady were the only customers and although what they were having done should have been a quick hour long job the two ended up spending six hours together.

Do you think that was a Divine Appointment? I do. The ladies had uninterrupted time to share struggles and tough times, but my friend also was able to share her faith and let her new found friend know that it is what helps her through. The opportunity could have been lost if either had been unwilling to stay and wait for the repairs to be done or if they had been glued to a telephone conversation or if they had chosen to play a video game or read a magazine instead of taking the time to just simply talk.
The two may never encounter each other again, but for that moment in time they were making the most of an opportunity that God provided. Will you look for opportunities to invest in others before the time is gone forever?
Colossians 4:5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


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