You Be the Judge--Would you be happy or sad?

A couple of days after Easter, my friend and coworker asked if I wanted to hear something funny and then she clarified by saying, "Well, maybe it's not really funny."

She then proceeded to tell me that her sister asked her child why we celebrate Easter. You might expect that the answer might have involved bunnies or eggs or spring even if they didn't say anything about Jesus, however the child surprised everyone by replying matter of factly that it was to honor those people who had lost their lives in war.

Hmmm..... Not exactly the way I would have wanted my children or grandchildren to have answered that question, since the only thing the two have in common is that death was mentioned. But Easter really is not about death--that's Good Friday. Easter is about Jesus overcoming death by conquering the grave.
Now I think the question is why did the child answer the question the way they did? First they were confusing the Christian holiday with a government holiday, but here again, why?
  • Is it because the children are not taken to church?
  • Is it because the parents have not taught the children about Jesus?
  • Is it because the parents don't really believe in the resurrection?
How can we expect our children to have faith of we don't talk to them about it? Do we think they will get it by osmosis? Well they won't.
Maybe that's why God instructs us to talk to our children about God and His Word all the time, everywhere, so that it will become imbedded in their hearts and minds.
We must be strategic if we want to pass the baton of Christian faith to the next generation. Will you join me in doing just that?
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


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