We Were Made to Worship

It had been raining that day, which made it a perfect setting to reflect on the death and burial of our Lord and Savior. We had stopped to take a look at what many people think is the place mentioned in all four of the Gospels as the place of the Skull where Jesus had been crucified alongside the two criminals.

Previously we had been to the place that most scholars believe is the most accurate place for the burial site of Jesus, but since it has been enthroned with a massive church building it doesn’t look like what our minds and hearts expect. Then we found ourselves in the spot that we envision the Garden Tomb setting to look like, beautifully landscaped, quiet and peaceful.

Our group had gathered under a pavilion to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. The bread and wine in tiny wooden chalices were served as we were reminded of the evening that Jesus had gathered with His disciples and the ultimate sacrifice that He had made for us. It was a somber moment and one of the most profound in Israel. We ended by singing the song, “Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow” before being told that we had time to explore the grounds.

As wonderful as it had already been, the best was yet to come. Wandering alone through the garden, I heard many other languages from across the world. Standing a stone’s throw away from the groups I heard their leaders speaking about Cristo or Christus and other names of Jesus and although I didn’t speak their language I knew that we were united in the message and tears filled my eyes.

In some ways I felt that I was intruding on their intimate moment, but I couldn’t resist taking part in their worship, even humming along to familiar melodies even though they were sung in a different language.

The whole experience gave me a new perspective on my faith. It showed me a glimpse of heaven where we will all be unified in worshipping God. There will be people from all over the world joined together. We may look different and have diverse experiences and backgrounds, but we will have one purpose.

Thank you Lord for showing me that Your church is not a building, but a collection of unique individuals made to worship a risen King. Thank you for choosing me to be a part of this family.

Revelation 5:9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to pen its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.”



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