
On my husband Tommy's last birthday, he was required to get a new driver's license. In the state of Colorado, you can usually go online and renew it, so he questioned why that was not possible for him. After going to the motor vehicle office, he understood.

The officials at the DMV told him that for the last nine years he had been driving with no valid license and he would have been arrested if he had been stopped for a violation. Because of this situation he would have to take the written test, go to driving school, take the driving test and pay a large fine. All of this was due to a mistake. Tommy had gotten a traffic ticket almost ten years before and although he had paid the fine that was due, the court had not recorded the payment on time and it caused the revocation of the license of which he had not been notified. He was unknowingly guilty.

As a member of the human race we are all guilty, but many don't know that they fall short of God's standards and are under the penalty of sin. No actions that we can do on our own will absolve us of responsibility. The only thing that can save us is receiving the payment that Christ has already made for us. He lived a life that we couldn't live; died a death we should have died and rose again so that we could also have life--now and for all eternity.

Are you still living in your guilt? If so, why don't you choose His payment today? After all, we are not guaranteed tomorrow and I would like to see you in eternity.

Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.


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