What Do Solidarity and Miracles Have in Common?

After viewing the Sea of Galilee from the cliffs of Mount Arbel, the next morning we were able to get up close and personal by taking a boat ride on the historic body of water.

Bright and early while the air was still cool, our vessel arrived at the port to pick us up for the ride to the end of the lake.

The crew with their "I Sailed the Sea of Galilee" shirts welcomed us aboard. The first order was to raise the American flag next to the flag of Israel while playing the national anthem while the passengers all sang along. Then they sang the Israeli anthem. 

This most moving gesture impressed upon me the importance of solidarity that must be maintained between the two countries. Israel has always been God's chosen people; even though they have faced hardships God still loves them and has plans for their future. The United States should not be on the wrong side of that conflict if we want to be blessed.

On the boat we were taught a folk dance, tried to catch fish with a large net, and had morning devotions before finally reaching the shore.

Being on the body of water where Bible stories from childhood took place stirred me.

  • Jesus walked on these waters and invited Peter to do the same
  • Jesus calmed the storm that threatened to sink the boat He had been sleeping in
  • Jesus caused the Peter to cast His nets at the wrong time of day and where he had just been fishing with no success in order to receive a catch of a lifetime

These miracles happened so long ago, but the same power is available to us today. Why aren't we experiencing it? Are we unaware of the power? Do we doubt that it is really available today? Are we simply too busy to utilize it?

The reasons are not excuses. We should look to God expectantly each day to surprise us with His miracles. They might not be as noteworthy as the ones mentioned above, but that doesn't make them any less important. Expect the unexpected. Know that the power of Christ is available for us today. Allow God to use you in bringing about His perfect plan and purpose. Miracles do still happen today.

As a side note, for lunch that day had a fish lunch similar to the one Jesus would have provided for His disciples after His resurrection--fish, head and all. See picture.

Galatians 3:5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?



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