Baptism in the Jordan River

As Christ followers we are commanded to profess our faith through baptism. Each denomination has their own way of displaying the act.

Some choose baby baptism in order to seal the child from birth. Others encourage children to be sprinkled when they join the church. And others wait for the individuals to get dunked when they put their faith and trust in Jesus.

Since I have had all three I guess I can give my opinion on which I think is right. Since babies can't make the decision to know and love Jesus at that age I feel that it is more a commitment from the parents to raise the child in a way that they will desire that relationship as they grow up. If a child understands the choice that they are making when they join the church and that is a profession of their faith that's great. However, I always felt like I had missed out by not being dunked, so as an adult, I went one more time for the sacrament of baptism.

Did any of these save me? No. I did them because I wanted to and because I felt like Jesus wanted me to be obedient.

While in Israel our group had the opportunity to get baptized in the Jordan River. Was I going to participate again? Even though it was tempting I thought that might be a bit overkill. Many decided to go through the ceremony and I must admit that it was just as much fun being an observer as it would have been as a participant. To watch our pastor baptize some for the first time and others as a rededication of their faith was inspiring. To be in the river where our Lord and Savior Jesus was baptized by John and to be able to rejoice with modern day followers was special. 

There was one stranger who was also watching the ceremony that I will not forget anytime soon. She knew no one in our group, yet she faithfully stood on the hillside and cheered them on. As our pastor would tell a bit of their story, she would shout, "Hallelujah," "Praise God," or "Thank you Jesus." She was affirming her connection to them as a fellow believer. Isn't that what we should all be doing, not just at the Jordan River, but encouraging those in our homes, our churches and communities?

Matthew 3:6  Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.


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