Timing Is Everything

It’s a little late in the season to see the beautiful butterflies floating through the air. So when I came upon one on the fencepost I wanted to snap a picture to help me remember it during the long winter ahead.

With its wings flapping up and down, it was difficult to get just the right moment captured. If I snapped the picture too early, the wings would not be spread and if I hit the button too late, the wings would already be closing. So I found that if I clicked the button as the wings were just beginning to open the full display of the colorful wing was caught on the camera.

It’s the same in business—if you’re too early people may not understand, but if you are too late, people have already made other choices. Even relationships may have similar results. A move made too quickly could scare someone off, but if you wait too long the window of opportunity may be closed.

We tend to think that our timing is the right timing, so when things don’t happen according to our time frame, we get upset. Often that frustration is aimed at God. We want Him to act sooner, provide when we want it, or to give us more time. 

We think we know best, but what we don’t see is that God is hard at work behind the scenes getting everything to line up in a way that is perfect for everyone. It may be that He may desire to do a work in us, to teach us or mold us. Or it may be that for our prayer to be answered, He must also make the pieces line up for someone else. 

No matter how things may look in our minds, God is always perfectly on time. 

Praise God that He knows better than me.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.


Liisa said…
You have the gift of words & Gods wisdom as well. Thank you for sharing
Liisa said…
You have the gift of words & Gods wisdom as well. Thank you for sharing

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