
It had been a particularly exhausting week and I needed some time by myself in order to fill my tank back up. Just God and me, alone in His beautiful creation was exactly what I needed. Breathing in the fresh air and walking the path lined with brightly colored summer wildflowers I was already beginning to feel refreshed.

Knowing that the flowers would soon be gone, I leaned over to take a few pictures to keep as a reminder of summer during the long winter months quickly approaching. I was startled to hear a voice shouting at me, "You can't take pictures." 

As I surveyed the landscape I didn't see anyone, but when I looked up I discovered a lift maintenance crew making summer repairs high above the mountainous terrain. The commentator laughed as I replied that he should be glad that I hadn't climbed a previous pole in order to get a picture of the whole field of flowers as I had considered.

I had only thought that I was alone, but the eyes of strangers were watching. I had no idea that anyone else was around, but it served as a good reminder that people are looking at us to see if we are real, to determine if what we say and what we do align and to catch us either doing the right thing or the wrong one. 

It may be a co-worker, a neighbor, a child or a complete stranger who is observing our actions and listening to our words to see if we as Christians are like Christ.

What will they see when they examine your life?

Colossians 1:10 So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God


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