Change Is in the Air

The hummingbirds have ceased humming, the bees almost completed their pollination process, and the ground squirrels are scurrying around filling their nests with food for the long winter. Yes change is in the air and the most visible difference is the color everywhere. The contrast of the evergreens and the golden Aspen leaves is stark and beautiful.

Fascinated by the change, I have observed that even within the one species of tree, they do not all transform in a consistent manner.

  • One tree may have one golden branch, while the rest of the tree is still green
  • Another tree may have all of the tips of the leaves turning yellow prior to the total change of color.
  • Other Aspen leaves may rebel from being the traditional golden color and instead turn a deep apricot color.
  • One lone yellow tree might be completely surrounded by a forest of green.

The way the trees and their leaves change remind me of people and their reactions to change.
Some people may allow change in one area of their life, but resist an overall change out of fear or rebellion.

Others start with a small insignificant change in all parts of their life before taking the full plunge of being transformed.

Another might actually embrace the change and decide that not only are they going to do it but using a bit of flair.

And then there are those people who lead the charge and are to first to enthusiastically change, standing out among the rest and helping them become different.

Although I love being surrounded by color everywhere, it can also make me sad, because the yellows, orange and red hues actually mean death to the leaves.

The evergreens are set and stable; they are green no matter what the season. The deciduous trees on the other hand go through change every year. They bud, they leaf, they change color, they die and fall off. Without the color and ultimate death, there would be no newest of life on the branches each spring.

As much as I like the consistency of the evergreen, I prefer the ever changing colorful trees.
It may be because my life goes through changes too. Some more colorful, some seem dormant, but together they can bring about newness if we let them.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


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