The Race

The cross country meet was taking place throughout the trails of Beaver Creek. The high school students from all over the area had camped out in Creekside Park, while waiting for the different heats to begin.

The parents and students were positioned along the route to insure that the correct route was taken and to cheer the runners on.

  • Good job!
  • Keep it up!
  • You can do it!
  • This is your last uphill!
  • Runner on the trail!
  • Keep it strong!
  • You're doing great!

These were the messages being shouted at the athletes as they passed. Some were complete strangers simply trying to encourage the students while others were yelled by classmates who were also participating in the meet. And parents hoping for the best for their child also stood on the sidelines clapping and cheering.

In the entire crowd not one word of discouragement, not one message of anger, nor any communication of negativity was heard on the course. Everyone wanted the kids to be successful and to complete the track meet to the best of their ability.

So why don't we do the same for our fellow runners in the race of life? Instead of criticizing, complaining and putting down, shouldn't we be cheering each other on? Wouldn't life be more pleasant if we would encourage with positive messages to keep people on the right path? And instead of pride and jealousy shouldn't we want everyone to be successful in their own race? 

This should be especially true of our Christian brothers and sisters, but also to those who don't yet know Jesus. They might need the kind words more than anyone, in order for them to experience the love of Jesus and draw them to Him.

So what will you say to encourage those around you today?

Romans 15:5-6 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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