Three Young Men

Three young men were sitting in front of me in church a few weeks ago. I could tell they were visiting for several reasons. First I know most of the people who are regular in attendance at our services and second, they were swinging and swaying to the praise and worship, highly engaged in singing which is a little unusual for our "regulars."

When talking to them I discovered that they were visiting the area for a week of snowboarding, so I was impressed that at their young age they would choose to come to church service instead of going out on the hill on Sunday morning. Not only were they in attendance at church, but they inquired about the men's Thursday morning Bible study, informing me that they would be there too. I concluded that we need more young men like them in our church. 

At first thought these young men seemed different than our typical attendees, however as I questioned why, I realized that in our little church there is no typical. We are a diverse group with people who have lots of money to poor ski bums. We have people who have run major companies and people who help out on the “hill” as lift operators. We have prim and proper society women and people with tattoos, earrings in weird places and even pink and purple hair. We have people who raise their hands to praise God while others only raise their voices to Him. We have old and young. We have locals and others from far away places. 

In our little valley there are way too many people of all ages and sexes that never enter a church, so I am thrilled to see all who God brings through the doors. People move to this area for selfish, self-centered reasons. They want to ski or board as much as they can to fulfill their dreams or desires, not thinking about what would please God. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not a requirement that you go to church every week in order to please Him, but I do think God wants us to be in fellowship regularly with other believers whether they look and act like us or are very different.

How much time do you spend each week with other Christians? Do you get a once a week dose or much more than that? Do you only spend time with others who are a lot like you or do you surround yourself with others who are quite different? Jesus was a master at hanging out with the riff raffs, the rag tags and the outcasts. If He did it, why do we think we are too good to do the same?

Just as the young visitors felt the need to be with other Christians for a heart connection, each of us should seek that same thing each and every day and then wait and see how we will be changed and how God will be glorified.

Acts 2:46-47 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


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