Cora's Cup of Tea

Cora is one of my favorite children at church. With her big eyes and blonde hair, she’s simply irresistible. As I passed her in the Fellowship Hall a couple of Sundays ago, she stopped me to find out which large pot had the hot water, because she wanted to make herself some tea. As I suspected, the urn was empty; what Cora really wanted was for me to solve the problem of an 8 year old.

I had been in a hurry to exit the building, but I couldn’t resist the smile, the pleading eyes and the cup complete with teabag and all. So we filled the paper cup with water, nuked it for 2 minutes and voila tea was made and a little girl was happy. The whole encounter was less than 5 minutes, but what better way could those few minutes have been spent?

How often do I rush around and miss similar opportunities just because I am in a hurry? All she did was ask and all I did was respond to her simple request. If she hadn’t asked I wouldn’t have known that she was in need and we would have both missed the blessing.

Years ago I heard a story about someone who dreamed that they died and went to heaven. St Peter was giving them the tour of heaven, but ignored one building all together. The dreamer couldn’t resist and asked what was in it, but noticed that St Peter hesitated in providing an answer, so he persisted in asking about it. St Peter finally relented he said that the building was filled with all of the gifts that God wanted to give His children, but didn’t because they never asked. How sad and devastating it would be if that were really true.

So I wonder how many times I have missed the blessing God has planned for my life because I fail to ask. I know that He wants to give me good gifts and often times He showers me with things I don’t ask for, but how many more things is He just waiting for me to ask for?

Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think God is a “gimmee God” or my “genie in a bottle” who gives me everything that my heart desires. However the Bible does say that He desires to give us good gifts that are within His will for our lives. What eternal things will you ask Him for today?

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11


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