What Would You Have Done?

The little tyke had a smirk on his face as he grabbed the bag of Sun Chips on his way into Subway, as if to say look at how clever I am. However the look quickly faded as he ran to his dad holding up the bag and asked, “Can I have these?” and was told no. I waited anxiously to see what his response would be and was amazed to see him turn and obediently return the chips to the stand alongside all of the others. 
Being pleasantly surprised, I wondered if perhaps it was a test by the dad, because once the order had been placed he sent both boys over to get their chips. The son’s original obedience of being denied what he wanted was ultimately rewarded with getting what he wanted.
I believe that sometimes God tests us too. Maybe he answers our prayer with a no or a wait answer, just to see how we will respond. If obedient like the child to his father, God our Father will give us what we want or perhaps something even better. However if we choose to have our little temper tantrum or pity party instead of immediate, complete and joyful obedience we may never receive the blessing that God has planned to give us if we just obey.
God wants to prove our faith. He does it sometimes by the ordinary everyday events that test us and at other times by big, monumental things that are asked of us. We can show God and the rest of the world our faithfulness to Him by how quickly we obey without being forced.
The little boy at Subway had learned a valuable life lesson—obey…no matter the outcome, but oftentimes abundant blessings will follow the obedience.
2 John 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning His command is that you walk in love.


Anonymous said…
The Supreme Being has a plan for life, it is not test but his plan that we should accept just like this young man did, probably knowing that he may lose his meal by protesting. The Supreme Being makes a promise to give what you really need though through obedience/accepting his plan.
I agree that our Sovereign God has a perfect plan and that plan will be accomplished with our participation or without it. I also believe that He allows us free will to choose whether or not we will be obedient to Him. The Bible says that God tests our hearts (1 Thessalonians 2:4 and Proverbs 17:4) not because He doesn't know what is there, but to show us. Thank you for the thought provoking comment.

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