How Body Piercing Saved My Life

How often do people have a critical attitude toward those who are different from them? As a good southern girl, there are certain things that I was taught that were NOT acceptable, such as odd colored hair, tattoos, weird body piercings and most certainly ear lobe stretchers. People who would do those things were whispered about and shunned from the society circles.

But over time I have figured out that whoever taught me those things was most certainly wrong. All I have to do is look around my church and I see some of the most precious people who love the Lord that have done those things to themselves. Pink and purple hair adorns a darling girl. Her husband is stretching his ears. A cross tattoo peeks out from the blouse on the front row. And unusual piercings are spread across the room.

What I once thought unacceptable is totally acceptable to Jesus. He welcomes us all, no matter what we look like, no matter what we do that seems wrong or different to others.

I wonder what those who tried to teach me to discriminate would say about this statement - Body piercing saved my life. No, it's not that I have pierced myself in some crazy place, in fact I don't even have pierced ears, but the fact that Jesus was willing to have His hands and feet pierced on the cross in order to save me from the death that I deserved. So is body piercing okay? You bet. If Jesus chose it I can be accepting of it. Will I do it? Probably not. But thanks be to Jesus that He did it for me and for you.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.


Christy said…
Well done on the attention grabbing headline ;-) not to mention the poignant content!

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