Moving and Myself

Moving will teach you a lot about yourself. While packing I have learned that I have way more stuff than I should. Too many dishes, too many clothes, too many things that I might need someday, too many things that I am keeping for other people.

I have also discovered that just when you think you are almost finished packing, the things start multiplying and you have more stuff than will fit into the number of boxes you have left.

So why do we have so many possessions? Is it because we are trying to keep up with the neighbors? Is it because we are afraid of being without? Or is it because the media makes us think we have to have it and so we buy it?

Whatever the reason, I'm ready to make a change. I've made a start by giving things away to friends and making many trips to the Thrifty Store to donate, not to purchase.

As I look at all of the boxes ready to be moved, I think of Jesus. What would have happened if He had been so tied to His things? He would have never left home, He would have never had His life-giving ministry and He would have never been able to save us from our sin. Instead He chose to travel lightly; we never hear about Him carrying a suitcase. At His death the only possessions that we hear about were the clothes on His back.

Our possessions can become our idols and have too much importance in our lives. I don't want that, but even with everything I have given away, I'm sure I still have more than I need.

My prayer is "Lord help me to live my life more like You with less stuff and more time spent on the important things, like people, relationships and You."

Luke 12: 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”


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