
Kids teach us so much if we just take the time to listen. On a recent visit, 8 year old Will taught me about kindness, compassion and including others.

Will, Molly and I were leaving church when Aunt Lala and Uncle Matt asked if the kids wanted to ride to our house in their car. Molly quickly answered yes since she adores her aunt and uncle who verbally applauded her for wanting to ride with them. 

Will quietly said he would ride with me and hopped in the car. Driving out of the parking lot, he shared that he wanted to ride with me so that I wouldn't have to be by myself. He continued to confess that he tried to always look around to see if anyone was being left out in order to include them admitting that he had been left out before and he didn't like it.  He ended by saying that one of his friends doesn't like for him to include others because it hurts the team by having players on it that aren't very good, but Will said that's not what's important. Pretty perceptive for a little boy who often puts up a tough attitude. 

I want to be more like my grandson. I want everyone to feel like they are a part of things. I want to be one who invites others to participate. I want to make others feel welcomed. I want to be caring and compassionate.

I suspect that Will really wanted to ride with Lynn and Matt, but I'm so thankful that he didn't, because I would have missed out on seeing his precious heart revealed through our little chat.

Lord thank you for the hurts in our lives that end up making us better people.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.



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