Mardi Gras Mania
I've never quite understood Mardi Gras. It seems a bit
strange to me that you would spend weeks drinking and partying just to get your
fill before Lent begins where you give up some of the things you overindulged
in the days and weeks before.
When living in New Orleans years ago the festivities were exciting with the parades, floats, masks, beads and doubloons. I was right in the middle of grabbing for the goodies being thrown from the floats, but was turned off by the crowds, the tourists, the people parking in my driveway in order to attend the parades and the people who were participating in behaviors that were foreign to me. (I didn't really understand why people would urinate in the middle of a busy street.)
Don't get me wrong; I'm not against having a good time or going to a good party and there's nothing wrong with drinking unless you drink too much or hurt someone in the process. I just don't think we think about how God feels about things.
Does it seem a bit out of line to participate in the revelry knowing full well that you are going to be confessing it and giving it up soon? Has anyone stopped to think about how God must feel about that type of behavior? Does He see true repentance or only a backhanded apology in it?
We are called to please Him, not just at one season of the year, but throughout the entire year.
Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.