Rubix Cube World
The man was sitting a the table near mine and I was fascinated watching
him. He was manipulating a Rubix cube with 294 colored squares. Now
I've never even been able to solve the normal 54 square version, so as I
watched him spinning and twirling the block effortlessly I was amazed.
It looked as if he was not even thinking about what he was doing with
the rapid pace of maneuvers.
Earlier in the day I had spoken with a couple of friends who had talked about problems that were going on in their lives and how they had begun to question where God was in their whole situation. Didn't He care? Couldn't He do something to stop things from swirling out of control? Why was He letting them suffer so much? When was He going to rescue them from disaster?
So as I watched the man with the Rubix cube sometimes making moves that didn't seem right or necessary, but in reality the moves had to be made in order to get the desired final outcome with each side being complete with their own color.
It seems that God is probably doing the same thing in the world and in our lives and even though it doesn't always appear that He is in total control, He is. It may even require a move that seems like it doesn't make sense, but God is the Master Architect of our life. His plan and purpose is perfect and eventually we will see that if we trust Him and His ability to shape us into His image each and every move was a part of His plan.
Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."
Earlier in the day I had spoken with a couple of friends who had talked about problems that were going on in their lives and how they had begun to question where God was in their whole situation. Didn't He care? Couldn't He do something to stop things from swirling out of control? Why was He letting them suffer so much? When was He going to rescue them from disaster?
So as I watched the man with the Rubix cube sometimes making moves that didn't seem right or necessary, but in reality the moves had to be made in order to get the desired final outcome with each side being complete with their own color.
It seems that God is probably doing the same thing in the world and in our lives and even though it doesn't always appear that He is in total control, He is. It may even require a move that seems like it doesn't make sense, but God is the Master Architect of our life. His plan and purpose is perfect and eventually we will see that if we trust Him and His ability to shape us into His image each and every move was a part of His plan.
Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."