Roller Coaster Emotions

A young woman enters the airplane with a new diamond ring on her finger. She had just received the engagement ring and was excited about her new position in life. She put her luggage in the overhead compartment in first class since there was no room in the economy section then took her seat in coach. 

The doors had been shut and the flight attendants had been asked to prepare the cabin for takeoff when the young woman made a horrifying discovery—her ring was missing. She knew she had worn it and that it was on her finger when she boarded the aircraft.

A flight attendant made an announcement for everyone to search the floor of the plane to see if we could find the missing ring. Heads were turning every direction, bodies leaning over and bags being moved to help this distressed young lady, but no ring was found. The plane had begun moving when the flight attendant thought to check and see if the ring had come off when the bag was placed in the overhead compartment. Cheers and clapping exploded throughout the cabin when the attendant appeared with the ring in hand. 

Midway through the flight there was yet another flurry of activity around the recently engaged woman—the diamond was missing from her ring. The attendant assured her that the stone had been in the ring when she presented it to her earlier in the flight. It was determined that the stone must have loosened when pulled off by the bag and had fallen out. Another search ensued, but no diamond was found. By this time the woman was about to fall apart—a lost ring, a found ring, and then a lost diamond. The ups and downs of the day had almost caused her to cave under pressure when the kind people around carefully searched the pockets, the crevasses, the seats and finally uncovered the lost diamond.

In the hour long flight the passenger experienced a series of emotional ups and downs. Our lives can be a lot like that too. One day we are on a mountaintop and then next day we plummet into a pit that seems like an impossible situation, however after a few days, we are back on top of the world. 

In the good times we must trust God and prepare for the hard times. Then when we encounter the difficulties, we will be ready and armed to face them because we have seen the faithfulness of God in our lives and know that He will not let us down.

Psalm 36:5-6
Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
   your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
   your justice like the great deep.


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