Missed Opportunities

If you miss some things, you can never go back and recover them again. You have probably experienced this in one way or another in your life. 

Having become a novice photographer I realize that if I see a picture that is worth taking, I had better snap it at that moment because the opportunity may never arise again... The beautiful flowers may be wilted or picked… The expression or emotion may not be expressed another time… The age or stage may be outgrown... The sunset will never be exactly the same. Therefore I have learned to carry my camera with me and stop and capture the moment. 

Our walk with God can be similar; God puts people and opportunities in our paths. Sometimes they are to change our lives if we choose to listen to them and repent, or forgive or change our ways. While other times God desires to use us as the catalyst for making a difference in the life of someone else, but we must be ready and willing to act at just the right moment. We cannot go back and regain the opportunity once it has passed.

The opportunities that God wants us to complete might not be huge, monumental tasks. They may be as simple as giving an encouraging word to a stranger or writing a note to a friend we know is lonely. It could be giving money to someone when God puts it on our heart or telling a neighbor about Jesus. If we do not seize the moment and act on the promptings, either God will use someone else to do the job He intended for us or the opportunity will be lost forever.

Let this be a lesson for each of us to listen to the still small voice when God speaks. And not just listen, but act on what He tells us to do. Don’t look back with regret, wishing that you had been obedient to God’s instructions, but instead look forward to the opportunities that God places in your path each and every day. 

What is God asking you to do today? Will you do it?

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


Margaret said…
Love this one, Mom! BTW, your pictures are REALLY awesome.

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