Eleanor Just Doesn't Quite Get It

Eleanor didn’t learn her lesson. If you read my post earlier this week she had been attacked by a porcupine with 16 quills. Yesterday, she encountered another porcupine miles away from the first one resulting in a devastating experience. This time there were 61 quills and pain so excruciating that it took a doctor and anesthesia along with a large bill to remove all of them. Eleanor had repeated her mischievous behavior and paid a big price for it.

We often repeat our mistakes too. Our first consequence may not hurt enough to keep us from making the wrong choice a second time, but as the pain of the consequence with the repeated choice is increased it might make us start to think twice about continuing down the dangerous path.

Will you be smarter than Eleanor and learn to make better choices with each decision so that you don’t have to suffer needlessly?

Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted
    so that I might learn your decrees.



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