
Change is in the air. The cooler temperatures and the turning of the leaves indicate that change is happening all around us. While I do enjoy the changing of the seasons, other types of changes can be difficult for me. 

Sometimes I think I would like to be able to say that I have lived in the same house for my whole life. Or I might enjoy having worked in the same field for my entire career. However God has had other plans for my life. You see, I can’t even name the number of places I have lived in consecutive order without stopping and thinking hard about it. Within my current company I have had multiple job titles (some I have enjoyed more than others) and as a teacher I was in 8 different schools teaching many different topics. 

As much as I think I would like to have stability and consistency in my life, I think of all of the things that would have been missed and all of the people I would never have met and the places I would have never visited. I would have been a very different person had I not gone through so many shifts, and movements and changes in my life.

I’m not sure what the next change will be, but I can sense it coming. There is a “for sale” sign in my yard and although there is no plan in place if and when it sells, I know it means my life will not remain safe and stable.

Change brings with it uncertainty especially right now with the unknown facing us. Will we be moving in this area? Will we be moving back to Texas? Will we be moving to an entirely different location where we know no one? 

I can’t answer any of those questions, but I know who can. My Father…my Heavenly Father. You see I am told in Psalm 139 that before I was even born, God knew what He had planned for me. And because I know my Father and He has always been faithful and trustworthy, I can rest assured it is going to be a good plan.

Psalm 139:15b-16 When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


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