Repair, Restore, Renew

My favorite local lake, Nottingham, is totally torn up. Earlier in the summer we learned that the lake was leaking and needed repairs. Knowing that there were a couple of events that needed the lake to be filled with water, the local authorities decided to make a couple of small adjustments to get through the need period. Once the events were over they completely drained the lake and began digging.

You see the earlier repairs were only temporary fixes. They town could have made the decision to just continue repairing the lake as needed in order to save money, time or visual appeal, but the real problem would still exist deep beneath surface of the water.

If the source of the problem is not corrected in the lake, year after year more troubles will come to light. Digging deep right now might seem inconvenient or drastic, but if that will correct the situation for many years, it is the best thing to do…really the only thing to do.

In our lives we sometimes try to just patch the problems. We get might do away with a symptom or a surface issue instead of digging deep to see where the root of the difficulty starts. It is easier to just come up with strategies to get rid of the symptoms of anger instead of finding out why we get angry. It is less painful to blame others for our crisis instead of looking to find out what part we play in it. It also might look better to others to gloss over the situation instead of confessing the wrong. However these are only temporary fixes.

We must learn to go to God and allow Him to purge us of all unrighteousness, to dig out the impurities and to repair, restore and renew the brokenness in our lives. It doesn’t mean that we will be completely fixed forever, but the repairs to maintain will be much easier and less painful. Will you allow God to do a work of healing in your life?

Psalm 80:3 Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.


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