Animal Cracker Trail

The trail of animal crackers on the stairway was a mystery upon first glance. But upon further investigation, I saw Molly with the bag of cookies carefully placing one treat in the center of each step. What in the world was she doing? When I asked her, she revealed that she was trying to get her baby brother to follow her up the stairs. She didn’t know that what she was doing could be harmful if toddler, Griffin actually followed that bait and began climbing the steps. She didn’t want to hurt her brother, just get him to follow.

God has the same desire that Molly had…He wants us to follow Him everywhere. Sometimes we think we know best and go our own way. Other times we allow people to sway us with the way that they want us to go. But I think we often aren’t paying attention to the signals that God is giving us that show us the way.

The primary way that God reveals His path for us is through His Word. The Bible is filled with guidelines that our Father wants us to follow. Here are a few things that God always wants us to obey:

  1. Read the Bible-Psalm 119:18
  2. Love God-Deuteronomy 6:5
  3. Love others-Luke 10:27
  4. Be humble-James 4:10
  5. Forgive-Colossians 3:13
  6. Serve-1 Peter 5:2
  7. Live in harmony-Romans 12:16
  8. Be sanctified-1 Thessalonians 4:3
  9. Have a pure heart-Psalm 51:10
  10. Pray-Ephesians 6:18
  11. Be thankful-1 Thessalonians 5:18
  12. Treat others the way you want to be treated 1Peter 2:15; Matthew 7:12
There are many more pieces of instruction that God gives us in the Bible so that we can follow after Him. There are also other “cookies” along the way to draw us closer. The people we are around can show us His path, by leading through words and actions. If the people you spend the most time with don’t push you closer to God, find some who will help you on that journey. 

God also gives us situations and circumstances which help determine the route of following Him; however this one can be a bit tricky, because we might want to make it fit our desires. If you are not sure about this one pray and ask God to reveal to you if it is indeed His plan. 

No, God does not leave cookies for us to follow, but He does want us to follow Him and leaves us plenty of clues along the way. If we just pay attention we will see them.

Matthew 6:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”


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