Lord I Am Discouraged

Lord I am discouraged, I prayed. Give me encouragement, I asked. Send me something to lift my spirits to show me that You have a plan for my life, I begged.

I was expecting an email or my phone to ring; instead something else transpired. It was as if God said to me, “Did you miss all of the encouragement I sprinkled throughout your day?” and then as I reflected back I saw numerous words that had been expressed and happenings that God had sent to encourage me in advance of my prayer.
  • A co- worker and friend had told me that I was her angel and that I made her a better person.
  • A girl that I mentor had brought me Christmas goodies and thanked me for investing in her life. And when someone asked if we were sisters we both said yes. (with only about 30 years difference)
  • My dear friend had sent a text that God has something spectacular planned for me.
  • My daughter had called just to say that she loves me and cares about me.
  • My boss had shared excitement about a project with me.
  • A seasoned coworker had said to me, “I always learn so much from you.”

There had been other means of encouragement during the day that showed me that I had no reason for discouragement and I didn't immediately get up out of the pits. But I did realize that I had a great deal to be thankful for and I was reassured that God is working behind the scenes bringing about His plan for my life. 

I was reminded that I have a whole circle of friends who love me and lift me up in prayer. It also showed me that I can make a difference even in the daily mundane duties; I don’t have to have a large organized ministry to impact lives. I can help people one at a time right where I am.

What do you do when you are discouraged? Do you turn to God or do you have a pity party? Do you wallow in self doubt or do you wait on the Lord? Do you search for nuggets of encouragement that you might have missed or do you “enjoy” feeling sorry for yourself? 

Our responses and reactions to discouragement can make all of the difference in the world. What will you choose?

Psalm 43:5 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.



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