Climbing Everest

Luis Benitez is an amazing man. He has climbed Everest 6 times and helped guide the first blind man to the top. I had the privilege of hearing him speak about his adventures because he now works for Vail Resorts, helping people reach their potential.

Although not one thing in his talk was about God or faith, I believe there are some things that can still apply. Throughout his presentation, Luis asked a series of questions that we should ask when striving to reach our goals:

  • What adversities do you have to overcome in order to reach your dream? Luis had asthma so bad as a child that he was constantly in and out of the hospital. God allows each of us to experience difficulties in our lives, which make us stronger, more determined and better if we let it.
  • How bad do you want it? It takes determination and drive to reach difficult places, so you have to want to reach your potential. As Christians we must desire God’s will for our life or things will just happen and we will be stuck in our own comfort zone instead of moving forward with God’s plan.
  • Where are you going and why? This question helps us define what our true desires really are; if we can’t answer those questions we are shooting at something without knowing the target. In our journey with the Lord, we don’t have to know the exact steps we will take, but we do have to trust that God has the map all planned out and all we have to do is follow.
  • Are you brave enough to fail? All summits are not reached; some seem like failure, but it is only failure if you fail to learn, grow and enjoy the experience in the process. All things done for the Lord may not end with success, but God can use them all for His good.
  • Which is more important the journey or the destination? Luis points out that the journey and what you get out of it is more important than actually reaching the destination. It is the same in life. The journey is important--who you meet, what you learn, what you accomplish, however making it to the ultimate destination of heaven is the best reward for a well run race with Jesus.
  • Do you believe that the impossible is possible? If you don’t think you can accomplish something, you won’t be able to do it. The Bible tells us that with God, nothing is impossible.
  • How bad do you want it and at what cost? Sacrifices must be made along the way in order to achieve your Everest. If you are not willing to make them, don’t expect to reach the summit. God also requires us to make sacrifices. He doesn’t want us to get too comfortable with having things our way, but wants us to give up and follow Him.
  • Who is helping you along the way to reach your potential? You cannot do things alone, so you should surround yourself with people who believe in you. As Christians we need to link arms with people who encourage us, lift us up in prayer and push us forward toward God, who is the ultimate One who helps us along the way.
  • What are you doing each day to make your life extraordinary? Life should not be boring and ordinary; it should be full and exciting. When we are seeking God’s will in our lives and following Him, life can and will be extraordinary.

Therefore dare to dream big; you can accomplish more than you ever can imagine if God is your guide in this journey called life.

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.


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