What Kind of Rock Is Your God?

Did you know that there are over forty references to God in the Bible as our Rock? I have always loved that imagery of God. To me it describes strength, power, firmness and even permanency.

There are many types of rocks. There are small pebbles, there are river rocks, there are giant boulders and there are mountainous rocks. 

Since there are so many different types you can choose how big your Rock is, but your choice may not be accurate.

  • Is your God so small that you feel He can barely take care of your needs, much less the big stuff?
  • Is your God big enough to help out in a pinch, but not really big enough to depend on daily?
  • Is your God big enough to handle the universe, such as keeping the planets rotating in space, but since He is so busy with that He really doesn't have time to look out for you?
  • Or is your God big enough to handles the universe, world affairs, your family and the nitty gritty details of your life?

I believe that when God used the term Rock to describe Himself, He meant that He is solid, unchangeable and immutable. We can go to Him and trust Him and know that He can handle every aspect of our world and of each of our lives.

My God is not a tiny little pebble, nor a river rock, or a boulder. He is not even like a mountain. He is stronger, larger, more powerful and can never, ever be shaken, broken or destroyed. If you don't believe that about your God, just maybe you don't know Him well enough.

Having God as my Rock, I have a rock solid foundation for my faith… I have a safe and secure place to cling to in times of trouble… I have a place of rest and refuge when tired and weary… I have a hiding place of protection to keep me from harm… I have a source of strength to draw from when I am weak… and I have a place of confidence and hope in an uncertain world. My God is bigger than I can imagine and He can handled anything of any size at any time in any way. Praise be to Him.

Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
    my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.
    He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.



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