Together, Yet Alone

The couple walking along the path were obviously together. The girl with her beautiful blonde tresses blowing in the gentle breeze and the young man with his scruffy beard and short cropped hair were walking side by side. Together, yet not enjoying each other’s company.

They were distracted; both holding phones to their ears. Yes, they were walking together, but were disengaged from each other. Connected, but disconnected. Together, but apart. 

We do the same thing. We may be at the same dinner table, but the television may have our attention. Or we may be riding in the car together, but conversation may not be taking place because of the radio.

We also do the same thing with God. He is always walking with us. After all He has promised never to leave us, but how often do we forget He is right beside us? How far do we go each day without acknowledging His presence? How long does He have to wait to get our attention along the path? How much richer would our life be if we would stop the busyness and enjoy the time we could be having with Him?

Lord help me to focus on relating to you throughout the day. Help me not to get so wrapped up in my plans and my desires that I forget you are even with me. And help me to desire to be engaged with you instead of compartmentalizing you into one small portion of my day.

Psalm 89:15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.


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