Like Riding a Bike

While in Houston this summer I was bound and determined to teach my grandson Will to ride a bike. He had been so close last summer, but with lack of practice his confidence had waned. He wouldn’t let just anyone help him, so I was honored that he wanted my assistance.

He had become dependent on the training wheels and was fearful of riding without them. We tried multiple tactics to encourage him yet he resisted riding the bike without the extra wheels or someone chasing along beside him, holding onto either him or the bike. Through it all we kept telling him how much fun it was going to be when he could finally ride without the assistance. 

We discovered that there could be many hindrances like loose fitting shorts that could get caught on takeoff, a group of kids walking by to distract or pedals in the wrong position……... However persistence paid off and mission was accomplished. After a couple of days at the high school track running beside the wobbling bike, Will was able to master the art of riding a bike. 

It wasn’t easy at first, but each time he got on the bike it got easier and once it clicked the skill would be there forever. He had to discover for himself the fun and freedom that he could have without the training wheels. 

There are many Christians who also depend on training wheels and fail to experience the true freedom, joy and excitement of their Christian faith. They may be insecure in sharing their faith, questioning what if someone asks a question that they can’t answer. Another may be fearful of teaching because they think they don’t know enough about the Bible as someone else.  And someone else may shy away from serving in certain settings because they are “too new” in their faith.

Training wheels are good to get us started, but we all need to come to the point where we give them up and move on to bigger and better things. There will be skinned knees along the way in our lives, but the key is to get back on and keep going forward. 

Ephesians 4:12b-13 The body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


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