Two Events Plus a Third

Yesterday I was involved in two events in the Vail Valley—Pink Vail and Snowball. In the morning I was at Pink Vail to support the local breast cancer center and be a part of the Twin Peaks Team. We skied the mountain, checking in at specific decks in order to participate in fun, festivities and the possibility of winning prizes.

Last night, I was a volunteer at Snowball Music Festival with Snoop Dogg as the headliner. Now before you think I have lost my mind and gone off the deep end. I wasn’t there for the revelry and the music, but did it in order to get my free pass to the Recreation Center for the year. Positioned on the corner near the entrance, my job was to help keep the concert goers safe and report any inappropriate behavior.

While standing there I began to compare and contrast the two events.
Pink Vail versus Snowball….
  • Both had lots of pink, glitter, feathers, and highly unusual costumes but that’s about the only similarity that I could name
  • One had hundreds of participants the other thousands
  • One collected money for a good cause the other cost a large amount of money to line the pockets of the music industry
  • One had people of all ages skiing the mountain the other had mostly young adults
  • One was good clean fun the other involved a lot of drugs and alcohol
  • One was in the daylight the other in the dark of night
  • One was focusing on the health and well being of others and the other was focused on self indulgence
Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a good concert, but helping others and building community should probably take priority over music.

This morning sitting in my church, I was tired from the previous day yet content with where I was. Yes, I had done some good things yesterday, but this was the best of all, being able to come together with others to worship our God, our Lord and our Savior.

Thank you Lord that I have the freedom to gather with others who love You and sing praises to Your name. Thank you for the body of believers who assemble each week because of a love that they have for You. Thank you for the safety and security of being in Your house.

Psalm 27:6 One thing I ask of the LORD,
   this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
   all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
   and to seek him in his temple.


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