Why I Believe in a Creator

Several years ago I was sitting in Las Vegas with one of my co-workers when a deep conversation ensued around the topic of evolution versus creation. This young man was telling me how he thought the world had come into being, explaining his big bang/cell evolution theory. That’s not exactly the way I believe it happened and since I had just been teaching a Bible study on the first chapter of Genesis, I was armed and ready for him. 

My rebuttal for his hypothesis was that if everything on this planet evolved from one cell, I could possibly accept that one bunny rabbit might have evolved by chance, but what I could never accept is that another bunny rabbit of the opposite sex would have developed at exactly the same time in exactly the same place, so that they could then mate and produce other little bunnies, so how could I ever accept the fact that the same thing happened with every mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, plant, tree, etc? 

The only thing I have to do is look out my window and see the beauty of the Rocky Mountains to know that the all knowing, all powerful sovereign God who created the world with a master plan is a good, kind and loving God who wanted to share wonderful things with His children. 

Here are a few of the amazing things that give me no choice but to believe that there is a God:
  • A caterpillar that can spin a cocoon as a lowly creature that crawls along the ground with his tiny little legs and then days later he emerges as an entirely different thing, a butterfly that can soar high in the air totally transformed by a miraculous process.
  • A tiny seed that seems dead when it is put into the ground, but after only a short time green pops forth out of the soil growing into a plant with beautiful and unique flower blossoms because of the water, sun and air provided.
  • A hummingbird that can fly with a heart beating 1,250 times a minute using wings that beat up to 100 times a second requiring them to drink their body weight in nectar each day and can even fly backwards and hover in one place.
  • A baby born to two people who love each other and combines their genetic pattern into another person who will have skills, talents, personality and looks all unique to them is another one of those miraculous reasons that their must be a God who cares about His creation. And not only the fact that the baby is born but also that it has finger and toes, a brain and a heart that beats without being told to do so. It has eyes and ears and so much more that could not possibly have just happened without a blueprint of a master Creator.
  • And lastly this time of year I am always amazed that the rotation of the earth on its axis and the way it is perfectly aligned to give us seasons is my final proof of a God who holds this world in His hands and provides stability and consistency so that year after year we know that after summer will come autumn with the vibrant leaves of many colors and then snows will begin to fall covering everything for months but when things thaw out again the whole process of life and grow begin all over again. 

Could this process happen without God holding it all together? I don’t think so….

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.


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