What I Learned at WalMart

It was nine o’clock on a Saturday night and I was just leaving WalMart and although tired, I was ashamed of myself. While in line the checker called my name cheerfully as she greeted me. This beautiful and talented woman and I have crossed paths over the years that we have lived in the Valley in a variety of ways, primarily through places that she has worked, but also through ministry opportunities.

It was great to see her smiling face and since I had not seen her working at WalMart before, I questioned if she still had her day job. She replied yes and my response was something about how difficult it must be to work all day at one job, just to go to the next one in order to pay the bills.  Her comment back to me is the reason for my shame. My friend continued by saying that she wore the bracelet on her arm that said “Just ask me about JESUS” as a reminder of how thankful she is for the job to go to go to each evening. 

What a novel thought…instead of grumbling and complaining, she is thankful. And not only that she is witnessing to each person who comes through her checkout line, not only by wearing her bracelet but also by her positive attitude and gracious actions as she assists the customers. 

My life is not always perfect, but in comparison to this lady, it is a life of ease. I have one good job, working weekdays from 8-5 with wonderful people for a good company.

Not only was this lady working until midnight on a Saturday night, she was going to get up early the next morning to lead the praise and worship at her church. Driving home, I was hurting for my friend, not because she made me feel sorry for her, but because I hated for her to have to work so hard. I prayed for her all the way home—that God would give her strength, that God would use her, that God would bless her, that God would protect her and keep her healthy.

Lord, forgive me for thinking I deserve to have an easy life, free of struggles. Thank you for showing me an example of how my life should be joyful and thankful, no matter what the situations or circumstances I face each day.

1 Chronicles 16:8 Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
   make known among the nations what he has done.


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