
In the movie In Time every person has a digital clock on their arm which tells how much time they have left to live. At birth they are given 25 years of time, if they never add any more time to their clocks they die at that time.

Time is used as money so when people go to work they are given time on their clocks and for every thing that they purchase, time is taken away. The rich have hundreds of years while the poor live only one day at a time. The catch is that no matter how long you live your body never ages past 25. It is revealed in the story that the rich don’t really live their lives because they are afraid of dying and the poor are constantly running from place to place in order to try to stay alive.

The movie was thought provoking for me because in reality time is valuable; yet some of us are not aware of that until it is too late. None of us knows the number of hours, days, months or years that we have left on this earth. It seems that for some people their lives are cut way to short by accident or illness while for others there lives seem to go on and on even thought the quality of their lives is not maintained lying in a nursing home bed. 

What do you do with your time? Do you use it for your own personal pleasure or do you use it for things that are an investment for all eternity? Do you spend time pursuing useless activities or do you devote your spare time to meaningful relationships, significant deeds or important projects?

Now don’t get me wrong, I do believe that God wants us to enjoy our lives, but can’t we combine our pleasures with purpose? 

Is a television show more important than a conversation with someone who needs a listening ear? Is a game more important than fellowship with other Christians? Is a new wardrobe more important than saving a soul? Is one more dollar in the bank more important than the child next door? Is anything that you do in a day more important than getting to know God and giving Him the praise and worship that He deserves? I know what things I need to put aside in answer to these questions, do you? 

Ephesians 5:15-16 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Thanks to Rich Brooks for the picture of Old St. Mary's Church in San Francisco. The verse on the clock is from Ecclesiasticus in the Catholic version of the Bible. 


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