What's Wrong with this Picture?

There is something wrong with this picture. If you look closely you will be able to find it. As I was walking the 3 mile descent to work last week I paused along the path to gaze at the gently flowing creek, but was quickly dismayed to see the crushed beer can tucked into the water's edge. 

Who would have trashed the environment? What were they thinking? Why would someone have spoiled the beauty for others? 

But again if you look closely at the picture you will spot another surprise, a red breasted robin also basking in the special spot. I acknowledged him and he did the same to me and then we parted company.

As I walked away I realized that I had failed to see the most glaring thing wrong with the picture. I had walked away without removing the trash. It was haunting to me that I could be critical of someone else, but failed to right the wrong myself. 

As God's children we are called to care for the world He created and even though I didn't create the problem, I allowed it to continue. I hadn't been the catalyst for change.

It continued bothering me throughout the day so I could hardly wait to revisit the spot on the way home. The same crumpled can had not moved and although I was disappointed to see it still there, I was relieved that I could at least right my wrong.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.



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