Imitation of the Real Thing

Nineteen month old Griffin is enthralled with baseball. It is one of his few vocabulary words--baybaa. Frequently throughout the day he will put on Will's helmet and glove and pick up the bat as if he will be next hitter in the line up. At the games he wants to be on the field even though he doesn't know the first rule of the game.

Why do you think he loves the game?

My theory is because he sees his big brother dressed in his uniform playing on the field and he wants to be just like him. Imitating what he observes in a person he loves seems to come naturally.

An almost two year old copies someone that they admire; grown ups do the same thing. Have you ever seen some one and thought "I want to be just like them"? Or maybe you have picked up certain phrases or sayings because you have high regard for the person you heard say them. Or perhaps you have tried a new sport, hobby or activity because you respect others who participate in them.

So you see at one time or another we have probably all imitated someone else and had the flip side happen by having someone copy or model our behavior. So I think there are a couple of questions we must ask ourselves. Are the people I desire to be like worthy of imitating both inside and out? Would I want others to copy my actions or steer far from them? Either question is probing, but worthwhile to ask, so that we can be better people.

Nine year old Will has a big responsibility to be a good example for his brother. We Christians also have a big responsibility to our brothers and sisters that may be looking up to us. Are you up for the challenge?

The apostle Paul thought he led a life worthy of following (1Corinthians 4:16); so can you, if you keep you eyes on Jesus and follow in His footsteps.

Ephesians 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.


Christy said…
I am grateful to God that He gave me an incredible role model in you, Olga Griffin!

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