Should I be Worried?

I am worried…about someone I have never really even met. 

My volunteer partner for the WinterWonderGrass Festival spotted him first and said, “Looks like this one is in trouble,” as he glanced at the young man staggering toward us. He stopped just short of our post to lean against the trash can and look hopelessly at his phone. After a few minutes in his dazed stupor, he wandered in our direction. 

The mother in me took over and I stopped the freckled faced, red haired young man wearing the fedora style hat who was reeking of alcohol. He could hardly stand up and was so disoriented that he couldn’t remember where he was, where he was staying or even who he was with. In his khaki pants and thin, raggedy sweater, I knew he would probably freeze once the sun went down if he fell asleep in the snow. He definitely needed help.

I left my partner to man our station and took the young man toward the entrance of the concert. He was not thrilled about going with me and said he would only go a short distance. I guess at least he remembered what he had been taught as a child…don’t go anywhere with a stranger, but I’d like to think I was the least of his worries.  Walking along the sidewalk should have been safe, but due to his condition, the young man stumbled, hitting me in the back and almost throwing us both to the ground.

Relieved when we reached our destination, I asked if he had been in the concert, but he was still so confused, he didn’t even realize that he had 2 bracelets on his arm—one to let him in for the music and the other stating that he was over 21. Two police officers at the gate were able to relieve me of my duties with the drunken young man and were trying to assist him.

I doubt that he had gone to the concert with the intentions of getting so plastered that he couldn’t function, but he had made choices along the way that lead him the that state.  I pray that he finds the people he came with. I pray that he is safe for the night. I pray that when he wakes up tomorrow that he will realize what a mistake it was to over indulge. But most importantly I pray that he will realize that the greatest need he has is for a Savior, because it is only in Jesus that he will find true joy and inner peace.

Ephesians 5:18 Do not be drunk with wine which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.


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