Are You Like a Hamster?

My friend Paula stood watching a hamster go round and round on the stationary wheel. The creature ran and ran as if it was running away from the world, but in reality it wasn't going anywhere. The wheel was moving, but the hamster in essence wasn't. 

As Paula watched she realized that her life was a lot like that hamster. For a long time she had been running, but not progressing forward. God showed her that when she scurries around doing things her way without trusting God for her life, her plans, her future she is no better off than a hamster on a journey to nowhere.

However, a second image was given to Paula when the little critter made a choice to get off of the wheel. God revealed to her that as she puts her faith and trust in God, she too is getting off the treadmill of life where she can walk forward, making progress in her journey with the Lord. 

As she does that God has promised not just the plain and ordinary, but the exciting adventure with new and different experiences at each and every turn. 

A hamster doesn't know the difference between running in a stationary wheel and roaming free, but Paula does. She knows that trusting God is better than anything she could possibly design on her own. 

Paula's willing to step out in faith; are you? Trust God; He's got great things planned for you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all you ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.


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