Spring Snow Storm

It is April 15, 2013 and I awoke to snow on the ground, but what I failed to realize is that it would continue pounding down all day long and so a mere 8 hours later there would be snow up to my knee on the back deck with still more to come. Now to this Southern Girl April means that the azaleas are in bloom, the dogwoods have blossomed and the pansies are sporting yellow and purple flowers. It’s time to bring out the sandals and the summer duds, but not if you live in Colorado.

Now to some people this storm is a great thing, since they love the snow even if the mountains are not still open for skiing. For those of us, with Southern blood in our veins, we might prefer to have warmer temperatures so in order to have a positive attitude I had to sit back and think about all of the reasons this was a good thing.  First of all, I didn’t have to be out in the cold damp weather, so I could just sit inside and enjoy the white scenery from my office. The snow pack will definitely help supply water for the reservoirs and for the river rafting this summer. The cold air will prevent the heat wave from coming too early this year. And finally I thought of those, including my son-in-law who will be out hiking up the mountain to enjoy skiing one more time before all of the snow is gone for the year. I guess it could be considered a good thing after all.

When I look at situations with only myself in mind, I might think that God is unfair or doesn’t care about what I want. When I stop and reframe, I begin to see that God has a lot of people to please. One likes it cold; one likes it hot.  One likes the snow; one likes the sunshine. I’m sure God has a hard time trying to make each one of us happy all of the time, but I don’t think that is really what occupies His thoughts. He has greater plans than just our happiness. He wants us to be transformed and I think one of the ways He does this is to help us to see that this world is not about us, but that He is in control and He has a perfect plan for our lives and for this world.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”



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