
One of my neighbors periodically comes over to my house to borrow things she needs when her grandchildren are coming to visit. A couple of years ago, she came looking for a double stroller to use when they would be visiting later in the summer. Unfortunately I did not have one, but in the past have always given her what she asked for even if it meant my own babies had to do without.

I had just had my Bible study group over for an introductory session and since she had expressed interest in attending one at some point I invited her to participate in the study. She declined, saying that she would not be available to come at that time because she was going to visit her daughter and then on a cruise then wrapping up the trip 6 weeks later. 

It then dawned on me that since she would not be home for the entire study it might be possible to have some of the participants park in her driveway, because parking on our street is limited. When I questioned her about the possibility, she replied, “No, I could never let any one do that due to liability.” I graciously said that was fine, but inside I was stewing. Here she had come over to my house to borrow things multiple times, and I had always accommodated when I had what she needed. What if I had told her no because the liability of borrowing my bumper pads could be a choking hazard or sheets that might cause a rash and so on? 

Isn’t it funny how something so small can get us upset? God wants me to be gracious, loving, giving, but in my humanness I can be hardened, bitter and selfish. Our two natures are at war within us—the human nature we are born with and the nature of Christ that we are given when we choose to put our faith and hope in Him. Since it is always a choice, I have to ask myself which nature I am going to let have the victory each day.  The answer on that particular day was the nature of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so guess what I did next. I prayed for my neighbor, because that is one thing I can do for her, but more importantly, it helps to change me from the inside out.

Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.


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