How Far Would You Get?

Many people have the erroneous belief that if they live a good life, they will go to heaven. But my question to them is “How do we know what is good in God’s eyes?” How do we know if you have done enough good things? Would God keep a scorecard of all of the things that we have done in our life and weigh it against what others have done? To me that is a much scarier way to believe than God’s way.

I’m actually surprised that numerous people would actually believe that we can earn our way to heaven. Years ago I became acquainted with the illustration that trying to earn our way to heaven would be like trying to swim all the way to Hawaii from California. Some people would not even enter the water because they knew there was no way they would be able to make it, so they wouldn’t even try. Others would hop in the water with great gusto, but would tire after fighting the current. Some would probably drown along the way. And a few might make it a great distance, but no one would make the entire 2,400 miles to the desired destination.

It would be the same if we were to have to earn our way to heaven. Some wouldn’t even try; others would begin well, but finish poorly. Some would die trying. I might make it 1 mile, you might make it 5 miles and someone like Billy Graham might make it 200 miles, but none of us would be able to complete the journey. It would just be too difficult.

God knew that we would not be able to ever meet His standards for righteousness, so He made it so easy for us. It is called grace. It is not something we deserve, but it is a free gift that God gives to each and everyone who chooses to believe in His Son Jesus. Grace is God’s solution to our problem and it was provided by the blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross. Don’t you think that if there was any other way for us to enjoy a relationship with the Father He would have done that instead of sacrificing His Son? If there had been another way, Jesus’ death would have been needless, but instead it was the most important event in history.

Won’t you celebrate this Easter by accepting the gift of Jesus and throwing away the scorecard you have been “hoping” would get you to heaven?

Titus 3:4-7 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.


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