Are You Willing?

The woman at the well is a favorite of mine--the outcast, the misfit who couldn’t even come to the well with the other women because of the sin in her life. I can relate to her. Yet Jesus the Jew, the male, the Messiah chose to stop and visit with her because he knew a secret about her. Not the things she had done wrong although He did know that; no; He knew that if He could just meet with her, she would be willing. 

So He went the “wrong way” on His journey so that He would encounter her along the way. And she was willing--willing to listen, willing to change the way she thought and willing to tell others about what had happened to her. Jesus had asked her for water, but ended up giving her the “living water” of eternal life. In the process she reflected the glory of Jesus and became the first missionary to convert an entire community. She was used by Jesus as a leader of men, women and children simply by opening her mouth and telling them about Jesus.

Jesus displayed the qualities of a real man—He took the initiative to find her, He wanted to protect her, to provide for her, to lead her and to teach her spiritual things. And the woman was transformed by the presence of the Messiah into a soft, nurturing, relational, welcoming, helper of a woman that God had intended for her to be all along. She had been injured by the world, but Jesus restored her.

Maybe some of you can relate to the woman; maybe you feel that you don’t fit. But the beauty of it is that Jesus wants us all to have the same attitude as the unnamed woman—a willingness to listen, a willingness to change and a willingness to reflect Him.

Are you willing?

If you would like to read the whole story of the woman at the well you will find it in John 4:1-42.

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did." John 4:39


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