What Does Your Carol Say?

Decking the halls makes me dizzy,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
For Tis the season to be busy,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Being busy, dizzy and in a tizzy can be more fitting this time of year than being jolly. We get caught up in all of the preparations of decorating and baking, shopping and wrapping, partying and eating, all the while losing sight of the most significant part of the season. We are so busy with the gift giving part that we fail to give the gift of time to those we love. We are too busy racing from here to there that we don’t really enjoy the people in our lives. And we are so busy making preparations that we often lose sight of the baby in all of the hustle and bustle. We don’t take the time to reflect on the real reason for the celebration. Think about it...Jesus, God’s Son, left heaven to come to earth as a baby, yet we ignore that most important fact and don’t even take time to worship the baby.

There is one person that I know who seems to have everything in the right perspective. Jameson is five years old and she loves Jesus. In fact she is obsessed with Him. Her baby dolls are named Jesus, and her pictures reflect His birth, life and death. 

Yesterday morning I had a gift awaiting me on my chair at work. It was a packet of pictures. And had a note on it that said: Olga, From Jameson (the J was backwards, but I knew immediately who it was from). The rest of the attached note written by her mother said “A Story About the Characters of Jesus.”

I couldn’t wait to see the drawings. First in the stack was an angel, holding in its hands a cross and a star. She knew that the angels had come to bring the good news about a Savior. The second sketch was of Mary and Joseph (both with broad smiles) next to Baby Jesus on a bed of hay. The last picture was of a cow who must also have been in attendance on that first Christmas, at least in little Jameson’s mind.

The pictures made my day. To think that a five year old has her priorities more in focus than I do is humbling, but also encouraging. I want to be obsessed with the right things, not just the things that can consume my time and energy.

This is what I want my carol to say:
Decking the halls changes my behavior,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis the season to focus on the Savior,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Luke 2:6-7 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.



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