
A couple of years ago, my grandson Will was given a small toy called a Bakugan. It was similar to a transformer since it starts out in a simple shape such as a sphere, triangle or cubes, but explodes opening into battle like creatures. He was super excited because his best friend, Elliot‘s older brother had a large collection and so Will thought they were “cool.” 

Immediately upon tearing into the package he tried desperately to get the small round object to pop open but with no success. He brought it to me for assistance, because usually I’m pretty good at solving spatial challenges. I pushed and pulled and poked and prodded, but no success. I then took more serious measures, by inserting sharp objects and finally managed to pry the toy open. It seemed that there should be an easier way, if they were made for children. 

Later we discovered that in the heap of packaging there was a solution for getting them open. It was quite simple. You basically placed the object on top of the card containing a magnet and it popped open automatically, without any pushing or poking. So easy when you use the right method, so hard when you try to do it your own way. It was transformed in less than a second, effortlessly without any work at all.

We are told that we too need to be transformed as followers of Christ. In Romans 12:2 it says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This verse says that it is the renewing of our minds that helps us to be transformed--changed. 

What does renewing our minds mean? Keeping them continually focused on Jesus and every time that we get off track remembering to turn it back to Him. Transformation is not supposed to be a difficult process, but it’s as simple as putting the Bakugan on the magnet, if we will just keep our minds on Him. 

God’s method of transformation is easy, focus on Him. Our ways can be so much more complicated. We try to make ourselves change by taking action, doing something instead of keeping our eyes on Him. Which will you choose His way or yours?


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