What in the World Is Going On?

At a recent conference, I sat next to a young man who was from the UK. He was in youth ministry at his church and so we began talking about adolescents today, his family and his life growing up. Since I enjoy hearing about other cultures and what is going on in Christianity around the world I began questioning him about the churches in England. He informed me that only 2% of the population in his homeland were actually Christians...only 2%. That seemed like an incredibly low number for a country that at one time was a leader in the world of Christianity. He continued by saying that more people might go to church once in a while, but were not really saved.

The conversation reiterated what I had experienced several years ago when I attended a church while visiting London. The beautiful old cathedral was almost empty leading me to wonder how it had been in years past. Was it overflowing and vibrant? What caused the decline in attendance? What could be done to restore faith to the community? 

Lingering after the service to visit with the pastor and let him know that I enjoyed his message we chatted for a while. We discussed where I was from and why I was there before gathering the courage to ask him if he was ever discouraged with only a handful of people in attendance. He responded by saying, “Oh no, every one of those people could have been somewhere else this morning, but they chose to be at church.” Praise God for a man who is thankful for even a small flock to minister to, but let’s pray for a revival in our sister country.

The decline of Christianity in the UK curiosity got the best of me and I questioned the young pastor at the conference about how he had come to faith. He disclosed that his parents were devoted Christians and that he was required to attend church as a child and was the only child in attendance. At age eleven he decided it was not for him and his parents allowed him to stay home on Sunday mornings. 

After sitting at home alone for a time, he began to have lots of questions about the meaning of life. The person that he chose to talk with was the man who had taught him in Sunday school. The wise teacher informed him that he could not answer his questions, but all of the answers could be found in the Bible. He encouraged the boy to read the book of John and the book of Philippians. 

As the young boy examined the passages he discovered Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Those were the exact words that he needed to hear, but he spent a week arguing with God about the fact that he needed a Savior. God finally won out and the boy committed his life to Jesus. He is now living in Southern California but plans to return with his wife and child to plant a church in the UK. Maybe he will be part of a revival in his homeland.

In parting the young man alleged that the US is about 15 to 20 years behind his country and that if things continue in the same direction we will be at only 2% dedicated Christians by the year 2030. Will we just sit back and let it happen or are we willing to step out of our comfort zones and do something to help turn our future around and claim the country back for Christ?

Acts 1:7-8 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


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